Why SCOTUS has Lifetime Appointments
So I see a lot of people wondering why SCOTUS justices have lifetime appointments. There are two answers to this, one is a lie meant to sell the idea of SCOTUS to the general public, and the other is the real answer. I will be going over both.
First, the lie. The idea is that if a SCOTUS justice has a lifetime appointment, then they do not have to act politically to keep their position, making them unbeholden to any political party and rid of political bias. This is, of course, bullshit. The reason this is bullshit is that SCOTUS justices are still technically human beings (I see them personally as lower life forms but biologically speaking they are human) so of course they are beholden to their personal ideology and biases. And so, just because they are not beholden to a political party to maintain their seat on SCOTUS, they are picked by the ruling political party specifically for the ideology that they are beholden to. Getting the job in the first place requires a judge to have a political bias.
What's the real reason? Well it's the same reason why everything in this country is set up: bourgeois dominance. If you look back to the days that the constitution was written, the American Senate was set up to give slave owners disproportionately higher control over government. The senate was designed to churn out results that favor the ruling class, which was back then, slavers and the bourgeois, and now it is just the bourgeois. The whole point is minority rule. And then who confirms SCOTUS justices? Of course, the senate does. And this is by design, to have a president and a senate that both favor the bourgeois at the same time is the most likely configuration for the American government, and so having a SCOTUS that constantly churns out these awful anti proletarian decisions is also the most likely. This is, again, on purpose. The whole point is that it is undemocratic. In fact, the founding fathers hated democracy. They wanted to make a system that pretended to be democratic while favoring their bourgeois friends, and they succeeded. Remember, the cruelty IS the point.
So am I just pointing this out to fill you with dread that our institutions have been set up to fuck us from the start? No, of course not. Understanding the issue is how we understand the solution. And that is, of course, a radical reorganizing of the government altogether. To make sure that none of these outcomes ever happen again, there needs to be a radical shift. First, both the senate and SCOTUS need to be abolished entirely. Then, the working class must collectively seize power, both politically and through the means of production.
Dictatorship of the Proletariat means a society with extreme democracy such that the power is concentrated at the bottom, rather than the top. Such a society, a socialist one, is the only one that has the capacity to ensure human rights for all.